Silly Girl! That teapot holds NO appeal. Your card is STUNNING!! You've got the sky, water, trees and bird and it all goes perfectly together. I said it before - why stamp when you can draw? Best wishes for Tuesday and your final school term!
Here is a direct quote from Donna C but I love the sentiment and can't say it any better than she did ... Nothing on this blog is personally copyrighted. You can use anything you want and I don't care if you call it your own. Copy things exactly and say they were your idea. If I run into them on your blog, I will be thrilled to see that someone loved my idea enough to copy it. If I put it on the net, I don't consider it stealing for you to use it in anyway you want. Go for it and enjoy! That is what this hobby is all about.
I'm glad you stepped away from the teapot and made something amazing!
ReplyDeleteSilly Girl! That teapot holds NO appeal. Your card is STUNNING!! You've got the sky, water, trees and bird and it all goes perfectly together. I said it before - why stamp when you can draw? Best wishes for Tuesday and your final school term!