Sunday, April 3, 2011

Flower soft

Flower soft seems perfect for a sympathy card.  A very dear friend has lost several people who were very close to her heart, and it is so hard to make a card that will in any way take away the pain.  But when I think of making cards, and sending them, what better reason than to send a hug in an envelope. Hope she likes this card, after all, SHE sent me the gorgeous blue flower soft!

The colors were still out on my table from these cards using the Zindorf technique ...


  1. Very pretty! Art always has a way of helping mend a broken heart.

  2. Oh, what a brilliant idea, to use flower soft on these reeds! it looks so perfect on this card.

  3. A very lovely,lovely card! It may not take away all the pain, but I know it will be treasured.


Thanks for leaving me a note! Makes it all worthwhile!